Kickstart your health with Feel Good Suffolk

Feel Good Suffolk is here to help you every step of the way in making positive changes for your health. This website is full of useful information, links and advice on how to make positive, healthy changes today.

Or, for further support, you can make a referral to one of our Feel Good Suffolk advisors. Find the right option for you below.

A lady doing yoga

How can Feel Good Suffolk help you?

I'd like more information

This website is full of useful information, links and advice on how to make positive healthy changes today. Find out about stopping smoking, managing a healthy weight or being more active.

I'd like more support

If you would like further support to make healthy changes, complete this self-referral form and a Feel Good Suffolk advisor will be in touch. Please note eligibility criteria applies.

Call us

Please call this number to speak to your local Customer Service team who can help you complete a referral to Feel Good Suffolk.

General enquiries

Please get in touch with us here for general enquiries only. Please note this general enquiry form is not the self-referral form.
