Have your say on how we can improve the way we communicate

cartoon characters talking with speech bubbles

Thank you for volunteering to help shape the future of the Feel Good Suffolk marketing by completing the survey below.

Feel Good Suffolk was launched in 2023 and we’re keen to understand from those using the service how they found out about it and what more we can do to promote it.

We are currently working with a marketing agency, to help ensure that our offer reaches people in Suffolk who would benefit most.  The agency would like to hear from service users as part of this development.

The survey below is anonymous and designed to collect feedback to help shape the marketing plan for the Feel Good Suffolk service.

The survey will only take a few minutes to complete.

The survey is run in partnership with Full Mix Marketing and is voluntary and anonymous. Information will not be shared with any third party. All feedback will be used solely to inform the marketing strategy for Feel Good Suffolk.

During the survey, there is an option to participate further in a ’round table discussion’ to help understand more about users’ experience, thoughts and opinions of Feel Good Suffolk services and marketing.

If you would like to participate in this discussion, please provide your contact details where prompted in the survey. If you simply want to share anonymous feedback, then you can leave this section blank.

Thank you in advance for your feedback, which will help us to improve our service for the future.

Please complete the user survey below
