
This website provides information designed to support you in making behavioural changes that may contribute to improving your health.

However, this does not amount to medical advice and you should not alter or stop taking any prescribed medication, treatment or make any major lifestyle changes without seeking advice from your GP or appropriate medical professional first. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention.

Suffolk County Council and partners have taken reasonable steps to ensure the information included on this site is accurate and up to date as at the time of publication and have used research and evidence for the information included on this site but make no commitment that it is complete, true, accurate, up-to-date or non-misleading or that the information will be constantly available, or available at all.

Suffolk County Council does not accept any liability for any error or omissions that appear, however caused.

Suffolk County Council makes no representations or warranties, express or implied in relation to the information on this website although nothing in this disclaimer limits any liability which Suffolk County Council is not entitled to limit under law
