Stop smoking

Congratulations on taking the first step on your smoke-free journey.

We have a range of support to help you.

Find out more about our latest campaign ‘Never Stop Trying’ and get help to quit smoking!

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Reasons to Quit

There are many physical and mental health benefits to stopping smoking. Whatever your goals, Feel Good Suffolk can help you every step of the way…


Making a postive change

Many people think about changing an aspect of their behaviour for a while before actually doing something about it; others make the decision very quickly…


Smoking and your health

Smoking is responsible for the death of 76,000 people a year. It’s not surprising that many smokers want to stop and if you are reading this you are one of them…


What happens when you quit smoking?

Stopping smoking will make a substantial difference to your health. As soon as 20 minutes after you have stubbed out your last cigarette your body begins to recover and that is just the start…


How much money could you save if you quit?

Smoking is a drain on your bank balance and stopping will mean you have more money in your pocket. The average 10-a-day smoker spends around £40 a week on tobacco, that is over £2000 a year!


Stop smoking before and during pregnancy

Smoking when pregnant can reduce birth weight, increase the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), cause a higher risk of birth complications, higher risk of stillbirth and there’s more risk of cleft lip/palate…


Smoke free families & Second hand smoke

Passive smoking – Secondhand smoke still packs a punch.
There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS)…


The science behind nicotine addiction

Nicotine is a mind-altering drug. It affects the brain in several different ways and changes it over the long term…


Making a positive change

Find out more about changing your behaviour to make a positive change…


Dealing with Cravings & Triggers

Recovering from any addiction is difficult. The main experiences of withdrawal include restlessness, irritability, frustration, tiredness, and difficulty sleeping and concentration…


Social Smoking

If you know you are going to be tempted to smoke, it is a good idea to have a plan in mind to help you resist the urge…


NHS Better Health

The NHS has a site filled with support to help you get healthy. Whether you want to quit smoking, get active or manage your weight better their ‘Better Health’ support can help…


NHS Smoke Free App

The free Quit Smoking app from the NHS will support you in your journey to stop smoking. The app helps you to…


Support to help others stop smoking

It’s important that anyone who wants to stop smoking has the support of family and friends to help them on their journey…


Healthy Eating

Find out more about Healthy eating and maintaining a healthy weight…


Be Active

Find out more about the benefits of being active…


What products can help me stop smoking?

There are three different ways you can replace the nicotine you get from cigarettes to help you quit for good…


Nicotine Gum & Patches / Lozenges / Inhalators / Nasal and Mouth Spray

Read more information about the various nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs)…


Prescribed medications to help you quit

There are two prescriptions only for stop-smoking medicines, which are in tablet form. These medicines do not contain nicotine, but they can help with withdrawal symptoms…


Vaping and Vape Myths

Nicotine vaping is substantially less harmful than smoking. It’s also one of the most effective tools for quitting smoking…


How to stop vaping

Vaping is great to help you stop smoking and while some people are happy to continue to vape many people want to stop completely.


Vape disposal

More people are taking up vaping and with that comes waste, particularly with the introduction of disposable vapes…

man breathing fresh air

Reasons to stop

There are many good reasons to stop smoking, including physical and mental health benefits and saving money.

nhs quit smoking app icon

How to stop

Options to help you stop smoking including different products, medications & stop smoking support services.

2 people in a call centre

Find Support

Feel Good Suffolk can help you stop smoking. You can complete a simple self-referral online or over the phone.

sad looking lady

Mental health

Stopping smoking can support positive mental health and reduce levels of stress, anxiety and depression.

pan, bidi

Paan, bidi, Shisha

Understanding more about Tobacco. Tobacco that you do not smoke is not a safe way to use tobacco. 

patient with doctor

Stop before your op

If you are having surgery one of the most important things you can do before the procedure is to stop smoking.

Need help to stop smoking? Find support local to you

Feel Good Suffolk Advisors are there to offer support and advice on stopping smoking, healthy weight and being more active. They will tell you about the services available, tell you about what other options there are in your local area and community and guide you through on-line self-help.

They can also advise you on the eligibility criteria for more intensive levels of support around managing a healthy weight, stopping smoking and being more active.
