If you have been thinking about quitting the habit Stoptober is a perfect time to put thoughts into action.

This year’s theme is all about working together to become smoke-free.

At Feel Good Suffolk our advisors are poised to help you in your journey into being a non-smoker.

Surprisingly there are several routes to quitting. It’s important that you get the right support to choose what pathway is going to be the best for you.

Here’s a look at the different methods ranked in order of success.

Quitting methods – best to worst

Top of the stops!
Using your local stop smoking service. Feel Good Suffolk combines stop-smoking aids with expert behavioural support. Stopping with a local service makes you three times more likely to succeed – What’s stopping you? Click here to make a self-referral

Second place
Using a prescribed medication from your GP, pharmacist or other professional. Medication can help you deal with the withdrawal effects and can double a person’s chance of quitting.

Third place
Over-the-counter nicotine replacement. These are products like patches and gums but also include e-cigarettes/vapes. Using these alone makes it one and a half times as likely a person will succeed.

Struggling in fourth
Using willpower alone. This is the least effective way to quit smoking.

The Government website sums it up perfectly.

There is clear evidence that the most effective way to quit smoking is with expert behavioural support from local stop-smoking services combined with stop-smoking aids. These include the prescription tablets Varenicline and Bupropion, nicotine replacement therapies and e-cigarettes. Smokers who get this package of support are 3 times as likely to quit successfully as those who try to quit unaided or with over-the-counter nicotine replacement therapy.

lady listening with an advisor

What to expect when you refer to Feel Good Suffolk.

Local stop-smoking services like Feel Good Suffolk have been developed by experts and ex-smokers.

Our Advisers are professionally trained to give you the best advice, support and encouragement to help you quit for good.

They spend some time getting to know you and will provide you with one-to-one support and help you access Nicotine Replacement Therapies like patches or a vape.

Feel Good Suffolk is part of the national Swap to Stop scheme which means you could access a free vape, including the liquids you’ll need to cut down and quit.

Your sessions usually start a couple of weeks before you set your quit date. They can be conducted face to face but can also be done over the phone or via video call.

Sessions continue into your quit journey to help you get through those first difficult weeks.

Feel Good Suffolk also offer places on Allan Carr’s Easyway to Quit Smoking. This is a behavioural intervention available for those who wish to steer clear of NRT.

So if you have been thinking about it, why not decide to quit today?

Get in touch and together, we can do this!

“There are two days in the year that we can not do anything, yesterday and tomorrow.”

